I ate fast food. Eeek!
Burger King to be exact. Don't worry, I didn't eat a Whopper or any other "meat," products. I did, however, scarf down a mayonnaise and iceberg lettuce covered Big Fish and salty, flavorless onion rings.

I was running errands right around lunch time. For breakfast I ate a bowl of almond milk soaked granola with added protein. It held me over until I walked into the grocery store. Shopping when you are hungry is the worst thing you can do if you are on a budget, on a diet, or human. Just a hint of hunger will have you grabbing items that you don't need and throwing them into your cart without a second thought. That's what happened to me.

I realized that I was hungry, and purchased a few things that I fully intended to eat for lunch. Then I purchased a few more things...and a few more things after that. Before I knew it, I'd spent almost an hour in the store and my stomach took control of my brain.
I could have driven in the direction of home; but I didn't. Instead, I drove in the opposite direction and found myself in the drive-thru line of Burger King, staring at the window decor and wondering why I was about to ingest something resembling food from a place that was aggressively marketing Cheeto-dust covered chicken fries.
I ordered my fish sandwich, which was labeled 100% Alaskan Pollock. The nerve.
I knew I'd made a terrible mistake after the first bite.
I regretted that mistake after the second bite.
After the last bite, I wanted to turn back the hands of time and relive the last 20 minutes.
The greasy, chemical-ridden sludge sunk down to my stomach and I instantly felt tired and heavy. My four-month old has had a cold for about a week, and I could feel my immune system weakening and my body succumbing to germy mucus. I also had a headache for absolutely no reason.
I knew that I had to do something to detox my body!
Cucumber Water
Cucumber water is one of my favorite things. Along with a refreshing taste, cucumber provides a number of health benefits. It flushes toxins and supplies Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B7 (biotin), fiber,magnesium, potassium, manganese, Vitamin K, molybdenum, pantothenic acid, copper, phosphorus and silica. They also contain fisetin, an anti-inflammatory that supports brain health, and Lignans, polyphenols that lower the risk of brain, uterine, ovarian, and prostate cancer. Cucumbers also help to prevent cancer and aid in weight loss.
Cucumber water is the perfect drink on a hot day!
Turmeric Tea

I decided to try a turmeric tea concoction in an attempt to re-balance my body. Turmeric, the spice that makes delicious Indian food orange, contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory. All of it's health benefits makes turmeric the perfect cure-all. It is an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, an anti-microbial, and a natural painkiller. It can help prevent cancer or boost the effectiveness of chemo drugs in cancer patients, and it protects the liver. Turmeric can be used topically to help wounds heal quickly, and to treat psoriasis and eczema. In addition to all of that, it even helps to reduce depression and promote weight loss, increasing digestive regularity. Turmeric can have diuretic effects, so if you plan to drink this tea, make sure there is a bathroom nearby just in case.
Turmeric grows as a root, but can be purchased in capsule and powder form or as a prepared tea. I wanted to control the dosage of Turmeric and other spices, so I opted to make my own tea.
The spices I used for this tea were CLOVE, an antioxidant that aids in digestion, boosts the immune system, and helps to control diabetes; CINNAMON, an antioxidant that lowers blood sugar and reduces the risk of health disease; NUTMEG, which detoxifies, soothes indigestion, and boosts the immune system; BLACK PEPPER, helps the absorption of curcumin and has antibacterial properties and contains manganese, iron, potassium, Vitamin C and Vitamin K; and ALLSPICE, prevents against digestive issues and stimulates digestive regularity.

Turmeric Spice Tea
Prep Time: 5 Minutes | Cook Time 15 Minutes | Total Time: 20 Minutes
Serves 2
- 3 cups Spring Water
- 1/2 tsp Ground Clove (antioxidant, anti-seotic, and digestive aid
- 1 tsp Cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp Allspice
- 1 tsp Nutmeg
- Pinch of Cracked Black Peppercorn
- 2 tsp Turmeric
- 2 tbsp Raw, Unfiltered Honey (or more, to taste)
- 1/2 cup Almond Milk
1. Combine spices and water in a medium saucepan, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
2. Strain spices using a cheesecloth.
3. Add honey to the tea, and stir to dissolve. Add almond milk and serve hot.
Apple Cider Vinegar

I mixed 1 tbsp of raw, organic apple cider vinegar to 6 ounces of spring water. Apple cider vinegar helps to relieve heartburn and acid reflux, promotes healthy cholesterol, aids in weight loss, promotes healthy blood sugar, contains many antioxidants, and helps nutrient absorption. The apple cider vinegar water was a great follow-up to the Turmeric Spice Tea because it helped my body to absorb the good, while helping the cucumbers flush out the bad.
By the end of the night, the fast food fiasco was a distant memory. I felt a million times better!
When transitioning to a healthier lifestyle, reverting back to old habits is not without consequence. The body will reject the grease, fat, sodium, preservatives and chemicals, especially after getting used to a healthy, nutrient rich diet. I knew that to get back on track I would have to take action quickly, and I'm glad I did.

If you know that you'll be out and about during meal times, bring small healthy snacks to keep hunger at bay. Nuts and seeds have enough protein to hold you over, and fruit is a satisfying snack that you can easily carry with you.
I will be making every effort to avoid fast food. However, in the event that you're on a road trip or have no choice but to grab something on the go, I would suggest Taco Bell. Generally, Taco Bell isn't considered the most tummy-friendly food, but when you eliminate the meat from their selection, you'll find that some of the offerings are much more favorable than its competitors. Just ask about their vegetarian options; you won't walk away feeling incredibly regretful.
If you have some healthy detoxifying solutions, be sure to tell us about them in the comment section below!
Eat Well & Prosper
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