
Hi, I'm Ruby, and my goal is to help your family live achieve health and harmony with practical tips, real-food/real-life recipes, natural remedies, parenting tools and more. 


After years of ignoring health and nutrition advice from my 80 year old grandmother, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Cervical Cancer in 2015. As a single mother, the news shook me to the core. I thought about my children, and realized that in order for me to care for them, I had to begin to care for myself. 

I spent the next year of my life researching and planning for a major health overhaul. I found that the best way to ensure physical health starts with diet, and was shocked to learn just how dangerous American eating habits have become. I  no longer wanted to fill my body with the processed, hormone and antibiotic-ridden foods that fill the supermarkets, and I was determined to eliminate the cancer and disease causing fares from my children's diets as well. 

On June 14, 2016, we made the first step toward health by becoming vegetarians. Originally, I wanted to go meat-free for one week, just to see if we could do it. We never looked back! 

I learned firsthand that it can be challenging to adopt a healthier lifestyle when you're busy with kids, on a budget, and unsure of where to start. However, I've done the research so that you don't have to. 

Family Health & Harmony provides recipes that are quick, easy, and kid-pleasing, along with practical information for the everyday family. 

A healthy lifestyle begins with food, but it doesn't end there. Health is a state of mind; it involves stress management, career satisfaction, and de-cluttering the space in your home as well as the space in your head! 

The goal of this blog is to provide comprehensive support for your journey toward health and harmony. With articles about parenting, travel, beauty, cleaning, exercise, and life, you are on your way to creating a better life for your family. 


Nobody can change the world alone, but together, we can make a huge impact! The Family Health & Harmony blog provides a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are working in their respective field to promote health and wellness. 

One of the main reasons why people don't keep New Years resolutions at the beginning of the year, is lack of support. On January 1st there is a flood of advertisements for weight loss programs, smoking cessation products, and more. By April, those advertisements have disappeared back into the vault, and most people have reverted back to their old unhealthy habits. Each year, only 8% of people achieve their goals. 

You can take the first step today and know that you aren't alone. To make the most of your experience, we recommend that you: 

There are no stupid questions, and if you need more information about a topic, chances are someone else wants answers too! We love to read your comments.

Welcome your friends, family, and loved ones into this community and watch it grow as everyone contributes their own experiences. 

Connect with us on Facebook, and join the Family Health & Harmony Forum to chat directly with people who are committed to a healthy lifestyle.

Get updates sent directly to your inbox so that you don't miss a thing! 

The most important part of this journey is to feel supported and knowledgeable about ways to ensure your family's health and harmony. Together, we will make wellness a habit!


You will find some amazing articles written by healthcare professionals, certified wellness coaches, exercise instructors, and more! If you are interested in becoming part of The Family and sharing your stories, experiences, and advice, please email your resume and a sample of your work.  

RUBY J is a mother of four, as well as a certified life and wellness coach
motivational speaker, and author. Her mission is to provide families with
simple tools to get and stay healthy and happy. As a mother of four, she
understands the importance of time and money management, and gives
practical advice for families who want to enjoy wellness while they stay
on the move! She writes at Family Health & Happiness, and can be found
on Facebook and Instagram

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